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The Nomad X Store combines the best of many online shopping platforms. We offer an innovative approach to selecting and featuring products from all over the world that are sometimes unique and cutting edge in their design or approach. Our team hand pick the products for quality not quantity, to give you the customer a higher quality selection. These products and brands represent the best selections in a product category from our vendors and suppliers. If there is product you think we are missing, let us know through our email at or post to our Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter or YouTube channel. Emails and posts are read and our team does its best to respond.
COMING SOON! Our Nomad X Market Place which allows verified sellers to post products that are uniquely made by them or offered in their country that may be found on most online platforms. Our team receives and surveys numerous products from vendors, sellers and suppliers across many product categories; however ,products can be sent directly to us that we will review for sale on our platform. We screen each product using a number of factors to include commercial viability and real world application or utility, to name a few of our criteria. We welcome all vendors, sellers, and suppliers with a uniquely different product to send us an EMAIL and we will work with you to build out your listing on our platform. New vendors, sellers, and suppliers can send inquiry to NewVendorListing@NomadX.Store.
Our NOMAD X BESPOKED page offers products that are selected for their one off design or innovative & creative styling. Our team see hundreds, if not thousands of products and our BESPOKED product selections are unique offerings in their category. If you are a vendor, seller or supplier that want your product evaluated for NOMAD X BESPOKED, send us an email to
Guaranteed Refunds or Exchange or Store Credit
Nomad X Cross Border Store always endeavors to achieve a fair outcome with our customers through refunds, exchanges, or our store credit policies. Here
Nomad X Cross Border Store encourages you to try our highest membership tiers where shipping costs are returned using a high discount membership coupon.
24 Hour Customer Service Support With by Real Human Beings Monitoring and Responding
Nomad X Cross Border Store offers numerous customer service lines that are available 24 hours/day. We still believe in the human touch when dealing with our customers.
Customer Service Lines
Singapore: +65 31590966
Sweden: +46 73 1121 4513
Switzerland: +41 44 508 7257
USA Toll Free: 1-888-207-2284
Canada Toll Free: 1-888-528-1643
Australia: +61 2 8317 3209
Hong Kong: +852 5801 0936