Please complete each field that may be required for your case.
Please CLICK the add another product button in section 3 below, if any input field is shown in white.
you will only be able to see your own member submission(s) and correct your own.
Please submit only one product per submission line at a time for the same or a different invoice.
Maximum Image & Video File Size 25 MB
Uploads can take a few minutes to be displayed depending on your internet speed.
When the upload is completed, your product(s) images and videos will be displayed.
you can CLICK on the product row to edit the content fields .
Please label file(s) with invoice number, then your name, and a document title .
example: 10001_Ingrid_Fjore._damagedcamera.jpg/pdf/mov/mp4
For Diamond VIP Members Use the document fields for Customs Fees & Duties Receipt Uploads.

Invoice # | Customer First Name | Customer last Name | Customer Email | CustomerNumber | SKU Number | Product Description | Items Problem |
Invoice # | Image #1 | Image # 2 | Image #3 | Image #4 |
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